In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, IATC has determined that the formal convention will remain on hold until there are further assurances that we can host a safe environment for all of us to gather in person. Although we will once again miss meeting face to face, we will hold the annual business session and celebrate the Paxton award via ZOOM on June 19, 2021.
Since this is not an annual convention, and voting is not a component of this meeting, we are happy to have club delegates identified but they are not required. Matters requiring votes, such as Bylaws updates, will be postposed until the 2022 Annual Convention in Saratoga.
Since this is not an annual convention, and voting is not a component of this meeting, we are happy to have club delegates identified but they are not required. Matters requiring votes, such as Bylaws updates, will be postposed until the 2022 Annual Convention in Saratoga.

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Meeting ID: 965 3488 7115
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